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Hotel Kreuz, Schwäbisch Gmünd

Hotel Kreuz
Featuring free WiFi access and free private parking, Hotel Kreuz offers accommodation in Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Description of rooms

Twin Room with Private Bathroom
This twin room has a tumble dryer and washing machine

Single Room with Private Bathroom
This single room features a washing machine and tumble dryer

Double Room with Private Bathroom
This double room features a tumble dryer and washing machine

Double Room with Private External Bathroom
This double room features a washing machine and tumble dryer

Quadruple Room with Private External Bathroom
This quadruple room features a tumble dryer and washing machine

Triple Room with Private Bathroom
This triple room has a washing machine and tumble dryer

Single Room with Shared Shower and Toilet
This single room features a washing machine and tumble dryer

Double Room with Shared Bathroom
This double room features a washing machine and tumble dryer

Twin Room with Shared Toilet
This twin room features a tumble dryer and washing machine

Twin Room with Shared Bathroom
This twin room features a tumble dryer and washing machine

Single Room with Shared Toilet
This single room features a tumble dryer and washing machine



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from  38.00 EUR
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